Maintaining your businesses financial health is a combination of planning, organization and financial management. Many businesses have been sunk by bad record keeping. Here’s an example. A dear friend, who happens to be an accountant, hired a furnace expert to solve a heating problem. He came to her house, identified the problem and quickly got to work. The repair took a short time and her furnace worked marvelously. She thanked the repairman profusely and sent him on his way. He told her the bill would arrive in the mail. Two weeks passed. No bill arrived. Another week passed and no bill. She called his office to remind him to send a bill. Another week passed and she called again. The bill never came. Bad business? Yes. Rare? No. Ask a dozen people and you are likely to hear similar stories. If a client has to ask you multiple times for an invoice, your business is doomed. A few simple steps when you start your business will save you headaches and lost business down the road. First,...