Owning a work from home business may seem like the ideal situation. The commute to your office is measured in footsteps not miles and the length of your workday is yours to define. But before you trade in your business suits for sweatpants, here's some truths to consider: Myth: Working from home is a good alternative to childcare. Truth: If your kids take consistent naps and you can fit your work into that time period--great! Otherwise, make plans for child care. Trying to take a phone call or work on a client's project with a screaming child in the background is just plain miserable. Believe me, I've tried. It's frustrating to have to place a client on hold to calm a crying baby or wipe burp-up off your computer keyboard. If you have a neighbor or relative that is willing and able to pop over when you need quiet time to work, call them. If you can schedule your phone calls ahead of time, work around your babysitter's schedule. If you can't sch...