I was at home preparing for a big meeting when I noticed my flash drive was missing--and with it, my presentation. I had put the drive on my kitchen counter next to my portfolio and cell phone--but it had disappeared. I looked everywhere. It wasn't under the bread bag on the counter, or the pile of refrigerator letters on the floor. I checked the kitchen table which was still covered with breakfast dishes. Nothing. Then I went up to my child's room. She was in the middle of imaginative play and I rudely interrupted her by opening her bedroom door. "Have you seen my flash drive?" I asked in a panic. "No," she said. I was nearly in tears. This was the biggest meeting of my career. I had five minutes to get out the door, and the tiny drive was missing. Then I looked at my child's toy. She was galloping a horse through a field of blocks and string. Around the horse's neck was a bridle made of bright blue ribbon. At the end of the ribbon was my fla...