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Showing posts from 2011

Five Tips to Keep Customers Happy

A happy customer is a return customer. And courting return customers is easier on the bottom line then expending resources always searching for new customers. But small blunders can send even the most loyal customers to the competition without even a wave goodbye. A little upfront time spent improving your customer service approach will save the headache of trying to repair damaged customer relationships. Respond to Emails and Phone Calls A company that quickly returns customer phone calls has an edge in building customer loyalty. Trust exists when customers know their concerns and questions are taken seriously. A customer that trusts a business is more likely to continue purchasing from that business and recommending it to others. Honor Appointments There is nothing quite as frustrating for a customer than scheduling an appointment with a business or service provider only to be kept waiting. Or worse yet, to be stood up. Remember, customers may need to take time off...

Writing the Essential Business Plan

It's tempting to jump in with both feet when starting a business. There's so much to do, from choosing a company name to finding employees. Before adding too many items to your to-do list, though, take a deep breath, sit down at your computer and write out a business plan. A business plan serves two main purposes. It is a resource for leaders within your company to follow throughout the life of the business. It is a resource for others such as investors and creditors to learn about your company. Each business plan is unique to the company that creates it. Length and content may vary based on the audience that will view the plan. If you are writing for investors, focus on the financials. If you are writing for creditors, include information that explains how they will be repaid. Because your company is a growing and changing business, your business plan will also change, but by including key information about your company you will always have a jumping off point for makin...